Welcome Julie Michaels, to our SLO Office!

Julie Michaels is now the new Commercial Lines Assistant in our San Luis Obispo office.

Julie has a passion for spending time with her family, theater, and travel.  In fact, Julie spent 8 days in Egypt cruising down the Nile visiting such sites as the Great Pyramid of Giza where she climbed to the inner chamber.  When not traveling, you can most likely catch Julie spending time with her two feline fur babies.

Welcome to the D&D family, Julie!

SLO Office: Cal Poly Career Services Clothing Donation

From Norma Jean Perez in our SLO Office:

“Hello D&D Family – I would like to organize a drop off at Cal Poly Career Center. Cal Poly is always looking for high-quality work clothes to assist students (male & female) create memorable first impression.

If you have any professional work attire you no longer use and would like to donate to Cal Poly let me know and I’ll take them over with my collection of Men’s Suit/Jackets which I have collected from Dave.  If you let me know by this Friday I will wait until next week to make the drop off. Thanks for your support. NJ”

Click here to learn more about the Cal Poly Career Services Clothing Closet.