Upcoming Development Academy Trainings: Managing and Maintaining a Bilingual Workforce

A valuable training to share with your applicable clients.

In today’s world the need for Spanish training in the construction, hospitality, agriculture and various other industries is increasing daily. If your group does not understand what you are saying, how can your training be effective? How can you insure compliance or completion? Our instructors will break down each major safety subject and provide instruction on how to deliver your message effectively. Come join us as we explore the challenges of getting your message across without having to master the Spanish language. 

July 17, 2019
Click HERE to register

Pardini’s Catering & Banquet
2257 W. Shaw Ave
Fresno, CA 93711

Tony Canizalez


Registration is FREE. Space is limited.

Michelle Hernandez, Loss Control Coordinator
559.437.6812 or [email protected]

Upcoming Development Academy Training

Do you have clients who might want to learn more? Check this out:

Prop 65 Regulations – Is Your Facility Compliant? 

The new porting requirements for Proposition 65 warnings went into effect on August 30, 2018. This presentation will include a discussion of the regulatory changes for consumer, occupational and environmental postings that now require clear and reasonable warnings that list at least one chemical for each endpoint.

Safe harbor warning language for specific exposures (designated smoking areas, enclosed parking garages, petroleum products, vehicle and diesel engines) will be presented. Specifications towards warning sign requirements, such as size and font, will be reviewed as well. Exceptions and exemptions to be discussed.

Specific examples of warning language will be presented along with an evaluation process for the applicability of various chemicals and individual exposures. Finally, the Proposition 65 chemicals list along with the OEHHA list of “safe harbor” levels (No Significant Risk Levels – NSRLs and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels – MADLs), will be reviewed.

Guest Speaker: Daby Humbert, QISP ToR (B.S., Industrial Technology)

Daby Humbert is a Senior Environmental Scientist at Yorke Engineering, LLC. He is a Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner (QISP), Trainer of Record (TOR) and has over 34 years of experience across a wide range of environmental, safety, construction project management, and energy management concerns in both agricultural and industrial/commercial business units.

  • He has facilitated compliance for the companies of Zacky Farms, Gallo Family Vineyards and was the corporate point of contact for governmental and regulatory jurisdictions, including: • San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD)
  • State of California Regional Water Boards
  • Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
  • Federal and California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA)
  • Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
  • Various county agricultural pesticide regulating units
  • and municipal utility districts

His experience also includes relationships with utility providers and local permitting authorities.


Pardini’s Catering & Banquets
2257 West Shaw Avenue
Fresno, CA 93711

Date & Time

May 16th
10:00am – 12:00pm

Click HERE to register SIGN UP TODAY!  Registration is FREE. Space is limited.

For event questions and registration, please contact: Michelle Hernandez, Loss Control Coordinator 559.437.6812 or [email protected]

Client Share: California Heat Illness Prevention Program (CHIPP) Training

Do you have clients who could benefit from these upcoming trainings? Send along the following info!

California Heat Illness Prevention Program (CHIPP) Training

Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some instances can be fatal. Heat illnesses and deaths are preventable. Employers are responsible for creating a workplace that is safe from excessive heat, and this training can support that. Heat illness prevention applies to those that work in the following industries:

Gas & Oil

In addition, the standard applies to any company that has employees who work outside.

If the heat illness standard applies to you and your organization, please consider attending this event. Employees who attend will be certified as Heat Illness Trainers and provided with sample materials to assist in the development and implementation of a Heat Illness Prevention Program. In addition, this training will meet both the supervisor and employee requirements for training.

California Heat Illness Prevention Program (CHIPP) Training


Bakersfield – April 23 training HERE

Fresno – April 17 training HERE

Manteca – April 25 training HERE

Development Academy: Courses for NEW CalOSHA Requirements

Do your clients need to register for our newest Development Academy courses?

Cal OSHA is advising to comply with federal OSHA’s directive to provide Form 300A data covering calendar year 2017 by July 1st, 2018. We’re offering multiple Development Academy sessions for companies to make sure they’re in compliance with these new directives (and just added another in SLO due to demand).
Send your clients this link to register ASAP: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/dibuduo-amp-defendis-insurance-brokers-llc-11122794332

Development Academy: Common sense? I don’t think so!

Yesterday’s Development Academy training was a success! Are your clients looking for to sign up? There is still room in the Manteca class — send them this link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dd-insurance-safety-common-sense-i-dont-think-so-tickets-31298937966?aff=es2.