#TBT to clear skies and the D&D Team supporting the Builders Exchange at their golf tournament in Morro Bay.
Category: Community Involvement
Thank You for Supporting the Fresno Office Valentine’s Day Bake Sale!
A note from the D&D Project Committee
A very big THANK YOU to all those who participated in this event yesterday. We raised $358.00 to go towards the scholarship fund. I have included some photos from the event and some from a few people who received a signing Valentine from their Agent. That was Classic.
We look forward to another fun filled event in March for St. Patrick’s Day.
We will be working on a newsletter to be sent out that I know we have not seen for a while.
Thank you,
Your D&D Committee Members
Darlene Ayala, Katie Beyerle, Patty Reilly, Lori Tigson, Michelle Katoch & Richard Antenucci
D&D Project: Valentine’s Day Bake Sale
Join us for the annual
Valentine’s Day Bake Sale!
Bring your favorite dessert, appetizer or any decorative individual treats or gifts and join in on the fun as we raise money for the Russell F. Pipo Scholarship Fund.
When: Thursday, February 14th
From: 8:15AM-10:00AM
Please contact any D&D Project Committee member with any questions.
Donations for the Scholarship Fund are always welcome.
Webinar: Current Issues and Trends in Workers Compensation for California Employers
SHLC Attorney Brett “Gil” Gilstrap and our very own Tom Moshier will be guest speakers during a Live Webinar on Workers’ Compensation on February 5th. Click here for details and registration.
To Share: Conference Call for Insureds
Your clients are invited to participate in a Workers’ Compensation Conference Call. Topics will include proper claim reporting, first aid, MPN requirements, proper DWC-1 execution, and transitional return to work.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 9:00am
Please have clients RSVP to Michelle at 559.437.6812
The D&D Project: Thank You
With your generosity of donations and participation, we were able to raise $395 to go towards the D&D Project. These funds will go to the purchase 20 – $25 gift cards to be donated to Washington Union High School as I mentioned on our last e-mail blast. The School picks students who may have had a rough year and wants to end it with a little something for them. We have already advised the school and they are truly grateful.
Thank you for your support!!
WINNER: Best of Central Valley Business Awards!
The D&D Project: Christmas Donations
Season’s Greetings from all of us on the D & D Project Committee. It has been a very busy year for us and now we find ourselves preparing for the Christmas Holidays. Once again we will be supporting the Children in the Pinedale Community with “Wants and Wishes”. Our tree is up and each child has a tag with their name, age, size and like hung on the tree. We have 45 names to choose from. Zenith Insurance is also doing the same with the same amount as well.
A green basket and a pen are next to the tree. Please take the ornament and tear off the tag and add the child’s name and add your name as the D & D giver and place in the Green Basket. You have until Monday, December 17th at Noon to return your wrapped gifts. We will also be donating 20, $25 gift cards to Washington Union High School to disburse to their students chosen by the facility.
Cash donations are always accepted and you can give your donation to any D & D Project member. Please make checks payable to The D&D Project.
We will have our traditional Christmas 50/50 raffle and gift raffle right before our Christmas Luncheon on Thursday, December 13th. Further information will be sent out regarding this event in the near future.
We thank you for supporting the D & D Project. Each year with your support we are able to reach out and help more children. You are the light in the window for many of these families. You help to make a big difference in their lives!!
Please see Darlene Ayala, Michelle Katoch, Katie Beyerle, Lori Tigson, Patty Reilly, or Richard Antenucci if you have any questions or would like more information on the Committee.
Modesto Office: Donations for Homeless
Christmas is rapidly approaching and the Modesto Office’s Social Committee has selected their Charity to sponsor. All donations will be accepted – big and small. If you do not want to shop, the Social Committee will accept cash donations and do the shopping for you! Please place all of your items in the empty (center) cubicle in the marketing department.
The D&D Project: Holiday Boutique
D & D Project
Holiday Boutique
Join us for our 8th annual Holiday Boutique. We will be selling lots of holiday ornaments, decorations, gifts and baked goodies!
When: Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Where: Main Kitchen
Time: 8:15-10:00am
Everyone is welcome to participate by donating your favorite holiday dessert or new or gently used holiday crafts, ornament or decorations.
Please contact Patty, Darlene A., Michelle K.,
Katie B., Roxana A. or Richard with any questions.