Insurance Associates of Fresno: Not So Auction Auction Thursday, February 20th

Here’s a note from Darlene Ayala, CISR Assistant to Ronald E. Lamm in regards to this auction.

The Insurance Associates of Fresno will be holding their annual Not So Auction Auction this month. It is a fun event with proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund that is given in May. Please see the attached flyer below and if you are interested in attending please RSVP to Kim Combs who is here in our Fresno office.

Also, we are always looking for donations for this event. Last year I believe we had 49 items auctioned off. If you would like to donate an item or basket that is valued at  least $25 please see me. The higher the value, the more we auction it off for. We have had several of our employees kids win a scholarship the past few years.

Thank you and I hope you can make time in your busy schedule to attend…

Darlene Ayala, CISR
Assistant to Ronald E. Lamm

D&D Project Operation: Christmas 2019 Update

“Season’s Greetings from all of us on the D & D Project Committee. 

It has been a very busy year for us and now we find ourselves preparing for the Christmas Holiday.  Once again we will be supporting the Children in the Pinedale Community with “Wants and Wishes”.  Our tree is up and each child has a tag with their name, age, size and likes hung on the tree. We have 60 names to choose from. Zenith Insurance is also doing the same. Many people ask what to get, the need is always clothes. The Parents fill out the Wish List and Clothes & Shoes are the need. The want is a toy, cologne or make-up that is listed. The ages range from newborn to 17 as we don’t just get for the Pinedale student, but for the other children in their household as well.  

**Clovis office let me know of the Age range and Gender and I can pull one for you**

  • A green basket with a yellow note pad and a pen are next to the tree. Please take the ornament and write down your name and your child’s name on the notepad. 
  • You have until Monday, December 16th at Noon to return your wrapped gifts. We will also be donating 20, $25 gift cards to Washington Union High School to disburse to their students chosen by the facility next week.  
  • Cash donations or items for our Boutique are always accepted and you can give your donation to any D & D Project member. Please make checks payable to The D&D Project. 
  • We will have our traditional Christmas 50/50 raffle and gift raffle right before our Christmas Luncheon on Friday, December 20th. Further information will be sent out regarding this event in the near future.
  • We thank you for supporting the D & D Project.  Each year with your support we are able to reach out and help more children.  You are the light in the window for many of these families.  You help to make a big difference in their lives!! 

Please see Darlene Ayala, Michelle Katoch, Katie Beyerle, Lori Tigson or Richard Antenucci if you have any questions or would like more information on joining the Committee.

Thanks all!

Insurance Associates of Fresno: Giving Back – November 21st Meeting

See the flyer above and read below for IAOF next Meeting and Cereal Collection.

For the Fresno office if you are unable to attend but would like to donate cereal boxes, please give to Kim Combs or Darlene Ayala. For the Clovis office, Traci Burdett is down the block at Sierra Specialty and will be more than happy to make a pick-up if you are unable to attend, but would like to donate.

Again, thank you for the support.

The Insurance Associates of Fresno: Murder Mystery Event

MURDER IS IN THE AIR!!!!!  A crime will be committed……………….Help us catch the killer before he (or she) strikes again!

Insurance Associates of Fresno invites you to attend a Murder Mystery event to be held on Friday, November 1, 2019 at Me-N-Ed’s located at Victory Grill.  We’d KILL to have you join us!!  See attached flyer for details.

RSVP to Marcella (559-304-4180 or [email protected]) by October 28th, 2019 to receive further TOP SECRET instructions!

Fresno Office: YMCA Clothing Donation

The YMCA is looking for gently used clothing for high school students that will be attending upcoming conferences.  They will be dropping off a collection box next week which will be placed in the main kitchen. The box will be picked up on November 8th.

Below is basic information regarding their efforts.

“We are a premier civic engagement program for youth across the state, serving over 100,000 participants over 72 years. Each November and January we host a conference in Fresno which over 3,000 high school youth attend. 

One requirement for our participants, is that they dress professionally while attending our final conference at the State Capitol in Sacramento. This requirement can be challenging for many. Over 30% or 1,100 of our youth participants require financial aid. For these students, purchasing professional attire is simply not a reality. In an effort to alleviate this financial burden, we created Cali’s Closet, a place for our youth to find professional attire at a price they can afford.”

Thank you.

Please contact Nora if you have any questions: [email protected] 

SLO Office: Cal Poly Career Services Clothing Donation

From Norma Jean Perez in our SLO Office:

“Hello D&D Family – I would like to organize a drop off at Cal Poly Career Center. Cal Poly is always looking for high-quality work clothes to assist students (male & female) create memorable first impression.

If you have any professional work attire you no longer use and would like to donate to Cal Poly let me know and I’ll take them over with my collection of Men’s Suit/Jackets which I have collected from Dave.  If you let me know by this Friday I will wait until next week to make the drop off. Thanks for your support. NJ”

Click here to learn more about the Cal Poly Career Services Clothing Closet.