Update: Multi-Factor Authentication

A message from Matt DeFendis below:

Good morning everyone. In the coming weeks, we will be implementing a new multi-factor authentication (MFA) to your Microsoft login. This will closely mirror the MFA required with online banking where you receive a code via text message. However, this will only occur when your password is changed, so not every day, just once roughly every 45 days. You will not need a text code every time you login.

Implementing this additional security protocol has become absolutely necessary to obtain appropriate limits on our enterprise cyber liability policy and will put additional safeguards in place to ensure our clients data remains protected and secure. For those within the Company that have sold or quoted cyber insurance, the term MFA is not new to you and its importance cannot be overstated. The IT Department will be communicating with you individually to set this up. We will be starting with Producers, then remote users, then the Fresno office and finally all other offices. Please respond promptly when IT reaches out and follow their instructions to ensure this has been properly installed on your account. We greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation as we implement this important security measure.