Fresno Office: End of Month “Thank You” Luncheon

Please see the flyer below about the “Thank You” Luncheon that will be taking place on 3/24/22 in our Fresno parking lot. Lunch will be provided by the Big Wagon (Pardini’s)

We hope to see you there!

Fresno Office: Receptionist – Julie Johnson

Our Fresno receptionist, Julie Johnson, has been out the past few weeks due to an accident. We all love and appreciate Julie.

We are working together to send some gift cards from local restaurants/businesses like Walmart, Target, SaveMart, Chipotle, etc, to her. If you would like to contribute cash or gift cards, please see Denise Simonian in the Mail Department.

Denise will be accepting donations up until 3/4/22.

Thank you for your support and contributions to Julie at this time.