Congratulations, Tony Canizales!

Tony Canizales, Vice President of Loss Control, was named Safety Professional of the Year by the American Society of Safety Professionals – Central Valley chapter. We are so proud, and celebrated his accomplishment at the Central Valley Chapter of ASSP awards. Congratulations, Tony!

The Insurance Associates of Fresno: Murder Mystery Event

MURDER IS IN THE AIR!!!!!  A crime will be committed……………….Help us catch the killer before he (or she) strikes again!

Insurance Associates of Fresno invites you to attend a Murder Mystery event to be held on Friday, November 1, 2019 at Me-N-Ed’s located at Victory Grill.  We’d KILL to have you join us!!  See attached flyer for details.

RSVP to Marcella (559-304-4180 or [email protected]) by October 28th, 2019 to receive further TOP SECRET instructions!

Fresno Office: YMCA Clothing Donation

The YMCA is looking for gently used clothing for high school students that will be attending upcoming conferences.  They will be dropping off a collection box next week which will be placed in the main kitchen. The box will be picked up on November 8th.

Below is basic information regarding their efforts.

“We are a premier civic engagement program for youth across the state, serving over 100,000 participants over 72 years. Each November and January we host a conference in Fresno which over 3,000 high school youth attend. 

One requirement for our participants, is that they dress professionally while attending our final conference at the State Capitol in Sacramento. This requirement can be challenging for many. Over 30% or 1,100 of our youth participants require financial aid. For these students, purchasing professional attire is simply not a reality. In an effort to alleviate this financial burden, we created Cali’s Closet, a place for our youth to find professional attire at a price they can afford.”

Thank you.

Please contact Nora if you have any questions: [email protected] 

Monday Motivation: October 14, 2019

“It’s not about how hard you can hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”

-Rocky Balboa 

D & D Coverage Alert – Flex Your Power! – Public Utility Shut Off

The Utility Co. “Intentional” Electrical Power Outage to your Home or Business have some variance of coverage(s) and or exclusions(s)

First, the Utility Co. voluntary shut off of electricity is not considered a “Covered Cause of Loss”. Therefore, most coverages are not even considered because there is not a “Covered Cause of Loss”. i.e. like Fire.

Second, Utility Services from lack of power, failure of power, are excluded from policies.

The Home Policies have some Broaden Coverage & Exclusions:

  • Home Policy- Refrigerated Property: This is usually in most home policies. The coverage is broadened “If Power Interruption Occurs Off the Residence Premises” . There are financial indemnity limits of $500 to $5,000 with a lower $500 deductible.
  • Home Policy- Additional Living Expenses: Excluded. There are NO coverages for temporary hotel expenses.

The Commercial Property & Loss Income/Extra Expense, Spoilage & Civil Authority Coverages are Not applicable with intentional Utility Co’s decision to shut off services. These coverages are applied with  a “Covered Cause of loss”.

  • Commercial Policy-Spoilage: Power Outage eventually excludes “Intentional Decision of an Electrical Utility Co. (i.e. PG & E)
  • Civil Authority: For Business Income: There is no Coverage. There must be a covered cause to activate coverage. Also, the Utility Co. does not meet the definition of Governmental Authority.

On behalf of the Claims Department & Marketing VP Dirk Seltzer.

Monday Motivation: October 7, 2019

“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.”

-Oprah Winfrey

Fresno Office: Flu Shot Reminder

Just a reminder flu shots will be provided in the Fresno office on Wednesday, October 2nd at 8:00am.  The staff will be in the main conference room.