Vacation Day Raffle Update

The funds raised in today’s drawing for the D&D Project in the Fresno and Clovis offices totaled $317.00.

Congratulations to vacation day winner Carol Togo!

The Taco Bell card winners are Vanessa Ayres, Darlene Ayala and Tina Stein.

Thank you all for your support!

Coverage Alert & Policy Endorsements

A note from John Manning:

We are witnessing trends with Brokers being Surprised that Exclusionary Endorsements or Special Exclusionary Wording are included in their policy portfolios.  These are negatively impacting claims coverage.

It is imperative when New Policies are Bound or Renewed, the Declarations Pages and All Endorsements are carefully reviewed to make sure they are appropriate for your clients Risks.

All too often theses endorsements are included to lower premiums, but the downside they reduce coverage… So in other words, you get what you pay for.  So be careful not to be blinded by the quote, but refocus and review the coverages.

Insurance Associates of Fresno: Wine and Wisdom

The Insurance Associates of Fresno is having a Wine and Wisdom event this Tuesday, August 20 for E&O Hot Spots. Please review the above flyer and if interested please RSVP no later than August 16th.