“Legislation that could lead California to consider buying insurance in the private market to cover rapidly increasing costs of fighting wildfires due to climate change cleared a key committee vote Tuesday…”
Do you have clients who could benefit from these upcoming trainings? Send along the following info!
California Heat Illness Prevention Program(CHIPP) Training
Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some instances can be fatal. Heat illnesses and deaths are preventable. Employers are responsible for creating a workplace that is safe from excessive heat, and this training can support that. Heat illness prevention applies to those that work in the following industries:
Agriculture Construction Gas & Oil Landscaping Transportation
In addition, the standard applies to any company that has employees who work outside.
If the heat illness standard applies to you and your organization, please consider attending this event. Employees who attend will be certified as Heat Illness Trainers and provided with sample materials to assist in the development and implementation of a Heat Illness Prevention Program. In addition, this training will meet both the supervisor and employee requirements for training.
California Heat Illness Prevention Program (CHIPP) Training
Could you imagine getting over 20,000 calls and texts for your birthday? Well that’s what happened to this New Jersey insurance agent. Click here to read the full story.