Reminder: Email Transition

A note from Jon McNally

Hello everyone,

A reminder about this weekend.

This weekend will be a large transition for this agency.

We will be upgrading our e-mail system to Office 365.

It will take a lot of work from the IT Department and a massive amount of patience on your part.

Our e-mail will be down all this weekend while the transition happens, 99% of the e-mail will still come through to you on Tuesday, but things may happen.

Please make sure to leave your computer on when you leave on Friday.

For all our users, please be extremely patient on Tuesday morning the 19th.

All users’ passwords to log in to your computer will be changed over the weekend to: This is your new password.

You will be prompted to change it at that time.

There might be a lot of cleanup and organization for the IT Department to do in order to get you up and running 100%.

We have over 295 e-mail accounts across all our locations, nothing about this is easy.

If we could do it one at a time, I would have; unfortunately, it is an all or nothing scenario.

I will be coordinating the efforts to get everything running 100%, so please only call me next Tuesday the 19th with e-mail issues.

We will create a list and work our way down it 1 by 1.

Please do not call Reece or Chris directly during this time.

If you are a producer or manager and have e-mail on your smartphone or laptop, this will be down during this time.

We will need to change your settings after the weekend, please be patient with us as we will have a lot going on at once on Tuesday.

If you normally leave your laptop in the office, please leave it fully plugged in and turned on.

If you take it home, we will connect to it the next time you return to the office (please call me to schedule this) or you can call me on Sunday to schedule a time to have us connect to the laptop to change the settings this weekend.

Thank you for your consideration.

If you have any questions prior to this weekend, please let me know.

Jon McNally
Director of Information Technology

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Brokers, LLC
6873 North West Avenue, Suite 101 | Fresno, CA 93711
Office: 559.432.0222 | Direct: 559.437.6660
Email: [email protected] | Fax: 559.437.6661
CA License #0E02096 |

Upcoming Webinar

Next Tuesday there is an optional webinar on environmental and construction related professional liability coverage. This is presented by RT Specialty, who is one of the endorsed wholesalers of Assurex Global. What is unique in their offering are the policy assessments they will do for us; either a current policy or one for a new client.


Tue, Feb 19, 2019 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST 

How to Participate:

Click here to join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3412 

Access Code: 766-850-773 
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system? 
Cisco devices: [email protected] 

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