Monday Motivation: April 30, 2018

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search from a new center of gravity. Don’t find them. Just find a new way to stand.”

-Oprah Winfrey

REMINDER: Upcoming Development Academy Trainings

Feel free to send this information to clients on these upcoming trainings.

 California Heat Illness Prevention Program (CHIPP) Training


Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some instances can be fatal. Heat illnesses and deaths are preventable. Employers are responsible for creating a workplace that is safe from excessive heat, and this training can support that.
In addition, the standard applies to any company that has employees who work outside.
If the heat illness standard applies to you and your organization, please consider attending this event. Employees who attend will be certified as Heat Illness Trainers and provided with sample materials to assist in the development and implementation of a Heat IllnessPrevention Program. In addition, this training will meet both the supervisor and employee requirements for training.
Fresno – April 24 training HERE
Manteca – April 26 training HERE

Fresno and Dinuba Company Picnic

Fresno and Dinuba offices: Mark your calendars! D&D will be hosting a company picnic at the Grizzlies game on Friday July 28th for employees and their immediate family members.

Fresno Office: Active Shooter Training

Just a reminder to mark your calendars for D&D’s Active Shooter Training that will take place on Monday April 9th in the Main Conference room. The schedule (per department) is listed here.

If you cannot make your scheduled time or will not be in the office please let Michelle Hernandez know. A makeup session will take place Tuesday April 10th between 9-10am!

**Managers please be sure to attend the training session your department is scheduled for, if there is a conflict please let us know and we can address accordingly.

**If you do not see your name on the list please send me an email with which time works best for you.